Automatic Content Recognition Services For Doers

What is ACRCloud?

ACRCloud is an automatic content recognition platform based on acoustic fingerprinting technology. Its creator intended to help media, broadcasters and app developers to identify, monitor and monetize content on the second screen.

How ACRCloud help DPM Network Music Distribution?

By DPM Network Music Distribution using the great technology of ACRCloud we are ensure to scan each release that is submited to our system and help us ti take a better desicion to approve or reject the release to be distribute to the DSP and we match to the great detabase of ACRloud that is a great source that not only help DPM Network Music Distirbution but others Distribution Companies to check the copyrighted content in user-uploaded content. ACRCloud help to detects the music in UGC and return the enriched metadata (including copyright relevant metadata such as rights owners) of the songs with this information help us to protect client content that is our main priority, DPM Network Music Distribution is enhancing the protection of song copyright for Artists & Record Labels.

Clients of DPM Network Music Distribution will also have the ability to deliver their catalog delivered to ACRCloud to ensure that anyone that uses their material is also flagged for review prior to distribution.